Lost S03E05 **Spoilers**
so it was eko who died, im kinda disappointed.
i didnt really rate that episode much, 2 good bits though, when she plays jack the tape was quite good and also when they see the man with the eye patch! Anyone with an eye patch is a welcome addition cos you just know theyre gonna be a crazy motherfucker.
also would those new people fuck off and die, i dont want any more characters with more fucked up pasts to figure out.
also the smoke must be responsible for the visions, or thats what i took from the episode, like when kate sees her horse and jack saw his father in the first episode it was actually just the smoke reading their minds and shit, and it killed eko because he was a bad person?! possibly. i dunno, anyway next week is the last one for a while, better be good. next weeks good promo..