DiSers Dissertations
What did the lovely student faction of DiS do for their dissertations? I've recently begun the long, slow and arduos walk down the dissertation hell path.
I've decided to look into how Disney have altered racial and sexual representations over the years, and more specifically to see whether there is any link between 'major world events' and any apparent change in these represenations
It's a bit of weird topic for me to do, as I haven't seen a Disney film in years (I hear all the kids these days loved that recent Steamboat Willie one). But I recently read how Disney don't want to release Song Of The South as they're pretty much embarrassed by it now, and it intrigued me. Whether or not that initial intrigue is enough to carry me over 10,000+ words remains to be seen
So what did YOU do? Learn much? Did you find the whole ordeal worthwhile and enjoyable or did the sleepless dissertation session nights leave a harrowing blotch on your previously blissfully ignorant soul?