It shouldn't be a problem, but it is.
My ex (who I had convinced myself is a complete sleazeball) has last night/today opened up to me, given me valid reasons for breaking up with me and basically said he'd do anything to get me to take him back.
He wants to come talk face-to-face later today. He rang me in tears. I stopped answering and replying to his texts because this is the last thing i need at the moment, and just got a text with a top up code and "please talk to me. xx" at the end.
See, the thing is, I really, really don't want him back. But I really pity him, and don't want to be a bitch about things and tell him to fuck off, because I know it's taken him a lot to tell me what he has done.
How can I say "Thanks, but no thanks" without hurting him? He knows I am unsingle, but it isn't really sinking in. Gah.