How do you tell someone to politely fuck off?
I met a Swedish guy a while back in a nightclub. We exchanged numbers, spoke alot on msn blah blah blah. Anyway, last week he calls me up saying he's coming to vist me. So i'm like 'ok how grand'. So he came Friday, and I took him to the Tate Modern, and to many other exciting places blah blah blah. The day today is Tuesday. I am GOING FUCKING INSANE LEAVE MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU SWEDE. Hmm, yes so. I haVE quite a small bedroom, no living room and I feel like he is literally living inside me. I feel claustaphobic, and I did not realise how much I enjoy my own company. (even when sober.) So. I came to a dodgy cramped internet cafe at 6 in the morning, just to get away from him. How can I tell him politely that I like him alot, (although we speak mostly in facial gestures because his English is so bad), but I'd like some time alone? At the moment my only escapism is having 3 hour baths. Oh and another question, do you enjoy your own company? Thank you.