foreign people are funny
an email i got. do i laugh or feel all schnuggly? -
I saw your blog, and thanks for allowing me to download one of the songs I wanted so much to possess, all my life. I first heard Karel when I was 17, when he went to No. 1 in the UK charts with 'Hey Matthew.' I always wanted to have the song and the album, but unfortunately, even though I hunted high and low, I could never find it in India. Thanks again.
I saw several blogsites today attacking Karel's song, saying it is horrible. As far as I am concerned, what is more horrible than the Spears and the Aguilleras (I don't even care if I spelt those names right) of today? This man has said something that had been of concern among many of us - the violence and the sex our innocent children are exposed to on TV, nowadays. He has said it in a most powerful, yet sensitive way. When you see the people throwing themselves down the Empire State to save their lives in vain, and when they telecast it again and again just for the thrills, and when our children watch it in horror and confusion, doesn't Mr. Fialka and young Matthew come to our minds, and also what he had to say, long time ago? It holds true, stronger than ever, today.
Anyway, thank you for the song. I really appreciate it. I had been wanting this song for the last 19 years:) (as well as many music lovers, from all over the world).
A well wisher
PS: I didn't know he was born in India - that's news, and that makes my respect for him grow doublefold. As far as the horrified look of Matthew in the front cover, it's due to the things he sees in the news on TV (or Oprah Winfrey's show, or an 'innocent Brittany-whatever-Spears' concert, for that matter)!!