A truly great msn exchange
James Loves Natalie... 'In the shadow of Deep Thought...' says:
haha i've just researched whether bees die when they sting you, and i don't know why...
Feed A Cat To Your Cobra... says:
so do they?
James Loves Natalie... 'In the shadow of Deep Thought...' says:
only female honeybees
James Loves Natalie... 'In the shadow of Deep Thought...' says:
and only if they sting a mammal
Feed A Cat To Your Cobra... says:
haha take that BITCH
James Loves Natalie... 'In the shadow of Deep Thought...' says:
James Loves Natalie... 'In the shadow of Deep Thought...' says:
it's cause the stinger is connected to their abdomen and when they sting it pulls out their guts
Feed A Cat To Your Cobra... says:
James Loves Natalie... 'In the shadow of Deep Thought...' says:
and it's true that an upset octupus actually might eat themselves