Despite disagreeing with Traynor's emo-ness...
This made me despair at humanity and pretty much inadvertantly summed up what causes my anger towards the majority of people in this country and the world and its from an article in the fucking Guardian which needs to sack whatever cunt wrote it who likes Bo Selecta:
It seems that the only point of Bo' Selecta! is that there is no point. It is wilfully meaningless. It is a show adored by a generation of men who are completely apolitical and borderline nihilistic. Francis feels an affinity with them. "The equivalent of my show in the 80s was Spitting Image, which was all about politics," he says. "But young lads now don't care about politics. As long as their lifestyles are what they want, they're not bothered about anything else. When people go on about Tony Blair or whatever, they think, 'That doesn't affect me. And whoever gets in next, well, there's nothing I can do about it and I'll just live however the world changes.' And that's how I live. As long as I'm not dying and my arms aren't falling off, then I'm not bothered."