London Lite
it's actually an insult to the trees that were cut down to make it on. it reads like it's written by and for people with an IQ of about eight, which probably ties in with how it's clearly aimed at 'City-working young professionals'.
last night, one of the minor headlines on the front page was about Kate Moss going shopping, and they had a two page splash about how new "apartment blocks" (presumably full of their key "City-working young professional" demographic) are becoming "sexual ghettos" as men go for "batchelor pads" in "prestigious locations" (apparently this means the Millwall Docks - wut?) which they can stuff with "gadgets", while women go for blocks in safe locations that are more designed for entertaining guests.
although i must thank it for something - it's introduced me to a word i loathe more than "apartment" when describing property - let's take a bow, as the above article made repeated use of the phrase "studio suite".
ps: if you either work for this waste of planetary resources, or indeed are a "City-working young professional" in their key demo... I HATE YOU.