Who's the Most Diplomatic Person Here? Opinion Wanted!
Ok here's the story...
There's a tiny Eddie Izzard show tonight in Soho.
I found out about it last week, but missed out on tickets coz my MSN was set to 'Busy' so I didn't see the email arrive.
I changed my MSN screen name to reflect my annoyance. A friend of mine messaged me saying she could try and get me tickets. She works for the Little Britain tour. She asked how many. I said 2 if possible and she asked who I'd take. I said my housemate (who is also the girlfriend of the sister of the friend trying to get me tickets) and she said she'd try and get 3. So me, my housemate and gf could go.
Heard nothing until just now, when I got a text saying along the lines of 'sorry i could only get 2, so i gave them to the others.' - she was bery polite and apologetic in the text.
Now I'm annoyed coz how can you give tickets to people who didn't know about the show and who didn't ask for the tickets in the first place.
The arguement against is that she gave the tickets to her sis. But I don't see what that's got to do with it?
Am I being unreasonable? Or am I justified in my peeved offness?