rules for arguments
Thought this would interest Traynor et al. Point 5 won't make much sense to you though.
These are the rules
For those of you who are new to this whole blogging game, there are certain ground rules you need to follow when arguing on blogs. Be sure to abide by these rules when commenting at Harry's Place, Lenin's Tomb or the Popinjays.
1. Under no circumstances should you suggest that there are certain fields that you do not have sufficient knowledge about to form an opinion. Your bachelors degree from the University of Armchair makes you an expert on all subjects everywhere.
2. This bachelors degree also exempts you from any requirement to provide sources for any claims you may wish to make.
3. All positions that can be taken on a subject fall into two black-and-white categories, and nuances are utterly impossible. Therefore, anybody who is even slightly pro-Israel clearly believes every Palestinian village should be bulldozed to make way for 5-star hotels. Likewise, even the vaguest supporter of Palestinian civil rights laughs as suicide bombers blow up small children.
4. Irrelevant of which side of a debate you take, the mass media is against you.
5. Irrelevant of which side of a debate you take, don't forget to mock Benjamin.
6. When responding to a point made by another commenter, feel free to reply as though that commenter had said something completely different to the point that they actually made.
7. Ranting hyperbole is a sign of gravitas, and is always superior to nuanced argument backed up with evidence.
8. Finally, if you find yourself losing an argument, always ensure that you declare that the issue is unimportant anyway, and close by mocking the other side for having such a silly obsession with that particular subject.
There we are. Glad we've been able to clear this up. Carry on!