LwP: does it make you racist or ignorant if you don't like 'black' music.
I mean whole phrase 'black music' or 'Music of Black Origin' means you could trace the Inspiral Carpets back to Leadbelly as much as you could Miss Dynamite's brother (nepotism eh?).
But anyway, I was thinking in this age of whateverness, what happens if you suddenly realise by chance that you don't own anything, ANYTHING by a 'black' artist (sorry for this being 'white'-centric), be it rap, hip hop if even a copy of 'Dust My Broom', by Elmore James - does it make you somehow a bit 'ignorant' about music and less diverse than someone who has Syd Barrett albums AND 'Original Gangster' by Ice T? And at the other extreme if you hate rap and its sentiments, or hip hop and even reggae and dancehall does this make you somehow 'racist'? What do you think?
And finally does ANYONE have to justify the race origin of their music collection anyway?