DiS v3.2 launches this Wednesday
Expect a period of downtime (around three hours) this Wednesday for the upgrade of DiS to v3.2.
Yes, it feels like a long time, but it's worth it for the following new features/bits!
* New DiScover site
All the latest news on new bands, a host of features for discovering new music, podcasts and more. Plus, it's a shocking new colour.
* Forum search
Yes, you can search the forum for whatever you want.
* Profile search/browse
Search user profiles on the site by Location, Age, Sex and Name.
* Article search
Search all of DiS' article database from the past six years via word search strings.
* Record collection
Much like our ever-popular gig calendar, you can now flag any release in our database that you own and they are presented in a nice grid for each person to see. you can also find out who owns what by clicking on a release on the artist profile page.
* Comments
New easier link to article comments board.
* Link bug fixed
You can now post links with odd characters on the board without them breaking and releasing the need to copy and paste every link into your browser.
* Artist profiles re-jigged
Quickly find live reviews rather than ploughing through old listings, quickly find the label on which a release was through.
* 'Community'
Not 'Your site'
I may have forgotten something. It's going to be good anyhow. You can browse the boards in 'classic' blue or 'DiScover' pink now too. fun!