Interview for a new job
why oh why do I have to spend an hour or so of my life pretending I want something for the wrong reason? I'm going to an interview for another job which I only want for location and salary, yet I will have to talk to two complete strangers about how much i care about the organisation and what they do and how 'conscientious' I am, which is clearly LIES LIES LIES because somehow I can't actually sustain a life by doing what I really want to, and therefore have to pretend to be interested in something else just to keep the wolf from the door AND to give me like, 'lifestyle choices'. Oh and I forgot 'various formats for 'me' to listen to 'my' music on.
Do you think the whole world, the WHOLE WORLD are lying in interviews like this for the very same reasons??
This isn't a LwP, its just an existentialist moan disguised as a teenage rant, dressed up as a whining ex-indie kid/30 something leftover feeling sorry for himself with that same eerie feeling of helpless meloncholy you'd get on proper school mornings in the autumn after being jibbed by a girl or something.