musical equipment shopping list
hello, i need some advice please. i have a solo musical project which, while being awful, is providing me with much fun. however, i have no idea about anything equipment related so i don't even know where to start when it comes to trying to pull all this shit together.
i've always wanted to say 'pull all this shit together'! anyway, um, if i give a brief outline of what i want to do, i was thinking that maybe people who actually know what they're talking about could give me a list of things what i need for when i have money? no? please?
anyway, i want to be able to loop different instruments (at the moment i have a ukulele, an acoustic guitar, a melodica and a xylophone) and then sing (kind of) over the top of them. i also want to be able to be able to loop home made percussion type things to play over as well. i have a steel bread bin full of paper clips that sounds nice when i hit it with a wooden steak mallet. and also, rather predictably, i want to incorporate some shoddy amateurish laptop programming into this somewhere.
is this possible? ignoring the fact i have no talent, obviously.
thanks, unless no-one replies, in which case, thanks anyway, this was a rubbish idea for a thread.