Toilet cubicles with no lock
Am I alone in thinking there seem to be a depressingly large number of toilet cubicles in the gents' of places that don't lock? (Obviously this may be true in the ladies' too but I wouldn't know.)
While it seems that finding toilet paper isn't the problem it once was, I'm becoming pretty sick of either holding the door shut with my foot or hand, or sitting there hoping some beered up twat doesn't fling the door open.
What is it with these places? Have Mogadon recently taken over the Carling/Fosters/John Smith's brewery, thus necessitating pub landlords kicking the cubicle doors in at chucking out time to wake the sleeping drunkards who've collapse mid-dump?
Do the police/landlords really have nothing better to do than worry about people snorting coke in the toilets and so they're forced to kick in the door any time they get a little worried?
I like to have a shit behind a locked door. I can't be alone in this...