Astrology + horoscopes
''Glimpse Your Future
Thoseof us in the northern hemisphere are getting ready to say, "goodbye,"to summer. With every season's change -- no matter what season it is --our emotional, physical and spiritual energies shift along with nature.It's an opportunity to step back and evaluate where you've just been... and where you want to go next.
With Sun high in careful and detailed Virgo now, making new plansand setting goals can feel natural. Virgos love to research andunderstand the mysteries of life -- to find the logic in the seeminglyunknowable. You may find yourself scheduling, probing and discoveringnew opportunities, ideas and passions now.
To help you plan what's coming ... and foresee specific dynamicswith friends, family or classmates ... you can use Astrology to paint apicture of your future. Based on your personal birth information,certain Astrology reports, like astrological forecasts, outline trendsand energy patterns you are likely to encounter in the days and monthsahead.
By comparing the planetary positions in your chart with what's goingon in the heavens over a particular time period, you are able to seehow your mood, receptivity and assertiveness will fluctuate with theforces around you. This gives you detailed clues as to how your futurewill unfold.
The month ahead is bound to include cooling temperatures, newprojects and shorter days. Use Astrology to fill in the details ... andprepare for every opportunity coming your way.''
what a load of crap right? do people get paid to write this shit?