Spam Mail
I just had a look at a spam email I received, I have no idea what they're trying to sell me. What the fuck is this?
Id took the bagof barley with me, so I falls softer sometimes than others.
If hesfound where Sham-bha-la is, Im coming. So he feeds me rice, him cooking it, and letsthe doctor see the soup.
Last words being weightiest, Grim told Chullunder Ghose to speak first.
I guess a cow feels that way in the shambles.
If youpay me well enough I will be your friend and not betray you. He must have told about thatletter from the Kun-Dun, which was what I hoped hed do. And do you still propose to come with us?
Some of em asked to see it, but I only showedthe tube what it was in.
His face was hollow and wan from long privation.
I aint got no copyright on the name, you understand. They began to talk together much more than we relished.
It felt like being thereflection in a looking-glass.
Id have lost the way sure, only I got thinking again after a bitand let them show me.
Mordecai looked at us curiously one by one. They dont fancy the road back over the passes. I makes the horse step lively, and thesnow coming from behind me covers up the tracks.
Some of em asked to see it, but I only showedthe tube what it was in.
Next day after that they changed my cell mate.
The whole earth seemed to be swayingover an unseen chasm is which chaos yelled and thundered.
Our two Tibetans appeared to dread the passes more than we did,having had experience.