2 HILARIOUS things about the Anti Nazi Leage
1) ANL looks/sounds like 'anal'. Teehee!
2) Despite being called the Anti Nazi League, their policies are Anti British National Party, much more than Anti Nazi. The BNP, whilst being far right, are a different party to the Nazis all together.
So to put it in DiS boards terms, it'd be like there being a group of users called the 'Anti Brainlove League', but they spend their time trying to stop prole art threat.
The Anti BNP League would be much more appropriate. Or even, to make it less focused on one group, the Anti Right Wing League. At least then it wouldn't look like ANAL. More, ARWL, which doesn't make you think of bottoms.
I should be in charge of them.
I'd make their chants better too. They marched through the town centre a couple of years back shouting:
"O, E, Stop the BNP" x 10