i forgot to tell you.......
last weekend i went down to the isle of wight. bank holiday weekend happens to be the biggest mod meet up in the whole world apparently (to pussy to go to brighton and face the music?), in the isle of wight. there were loads of annoyingly loud vespas EVERYWHERE, and fat 50 year old skin heads in ill fitting suits. plus, every bar/pub/club had been taken over by the mods.
so we went to one, but were told off by the mod promoter (quite angrily too) for "taking the piss" on the dancefloor and she said "you'll be leaving here with your head up your arse". then when we were like "er? we're just like, dancing you fat lesbo" (maybe not the last bit), and she goes "yeah if it qwas up to me, you wouldnt have been allowed in"!
fucking whats the point? i'm allowing you to wear shit suits and do loads of speed in the lavs, so why cant we even dance to your shit music?!
mods < rockers