Something about me losing my phone
Yes, I've already posted this on myspace, and yes I am a lazy fuck for simply copying and pasting it here. But whatever. Some people here need to give me their numbers again. Thanks.
So I bought me a new phone, having lost mine being a fool at Reading this weekend. It cost me lots of money I don't really have. It does, however, seem to have some sort of video function on it, so if someone wants to come round to mine and make quite poor quality pr0n films, that would be lovely.
In the meantime, can those who haven't given me their numbers yet please do so. I will then send you mine, when I can find out what it is. So far I only have four phone friends, and lovely as they all are it's kinda depressing me a bit. Especially as one of those 'friends' is 'Balance Request'. Oh, Balance Request, how I love thee so...
Thanks, bamos xx