Lunch with Col': Does anyone really have the right to decide what we put in our bodies?
(Officially approved LwP fill-in for today)
As society continues to frown endlessly on smokers and binge drinkers, does anyone really have the right to look down upon others for what they put into their bodies?
If all drugs were available legally, and no ill side-effects (crime, violence) were gleaned from people who take drugs, would anyone really have the right to criticise someone who wants to take an endless amount of heroin?
Last night, I got extremely drunk, committed no crimes and had a good time, but those who view us as members of "booze drink Britain" would probably have had me down to be beating up old women and stealing bus stops.
I'm all for being informed of the dangers, but I don't think anyone truly has the right to stop me from taking drugs or drinking to excess. It's my choice if I wanna fuck my body up.