Mid-day meal with Theguywithnousername: How far should protesting go?
I've no doubt I'm an utterly inadequate replacement for Prole but I felt someone had to give it a go.
Last night I was sat at home and was bored enough to be watching "Crimewatch: Solved" which had a feature on the Animal Rights Protesters who stole an old woman's body in order to blackmail her relatives into giving up breeding guinea pigs for medical research. They also spread false allegations that staff were convicted paedophiles, threw bricks through windows and, I think, sent explosive devices through the mail.
As I imagine to be the case with many people, I find this all to be distasteful. But in a world where people increasingly feel they have no voice through traditional political means, it is obviously tempting to use more extreme measures to get your point across.
But where does the balance lie? My personal view is that any protest is only worthwhile so long as you're doing so in a way that maintains your own ethical principles and, once you start behaving in a way that isn't ethical, you've betrayed your values and the protest loses its value.
But what do other posters think? Do other posters care? Will they simply mock me for so foolishly thinking I could step into Prole's shoes?
We shall see below...