Lunch With Prole: Is there a snob in every one of us?
Of course having one grandparent that was a miner/rizla maker and having another one who was a factory owner and Lord Mayor, I have a bit of a cross breed of 'class' (should it exist) in me that makes me impervious to such distinctions. But like most modern people I try to be 'classless' (not 'without any class' as in someone aspiring to be Jessie Wallace by appearing on Big Brother), and to feel that myself and my fellow man are somewhat all sat on the same ledge as it were....
ANYWAY, no matter where I think I fit in society, I still feel rather awkward and slightly disgusted (almost in a programmed way) when I am in a chavvy or rundown area of London or for that matter, anywhere in England Scotland and Wales. I feel the same no doubt, as a 'Swell' would probably have felt in 30s London as he disembarked from his Hansom only to be surrounded by street urchins offering to "elp 'im with 'is Pormanteu guv, for the price of a Penny 'Orrible" etc.
Basically are we all like this deep down when we come in contact with people/parts of society that make us feel a 'feeling' that is basically the snob in everyone on of us trying to break out.