Blether with Theo: Should children be taught Arabic at school
I don't just mean as an option, but as a PREFERRED option like French is?
A little extreme but there's a lot of tension right now with the middle-east and Muslims in this country too. Perhaps if kids were taught Arabic it would take away part of the cultural block between Islam and 'the West'.
It would also mean that if you overheard two swarthy types speaking in Arabic on your plane you could tell they were saying "I hope the wife remembered to fucking tape Corrie while I was away." "I've got that Sky Plus thing so you can always come round mine and watch it if she has..."
Anyway, I mentioned this to someone and they said it wasn't a good idea to learn a language out of fear. It seemed an odd comment, though. Surely Arabic is a practical language to learn these days? If we all spoke Arabic we could subscribe to Al-Jazeera and get a different view of the news.
This thread is RUBBISH!