Big Brother LIVE FINAL
I think that everyone involved with this programme deserves to die in a manner chosen by a panel of serial killers.
Just think of the priority this programme has probably taken over comissioning scripts for comedy shows, current affairs, dramas, you know things written by people that might be good, or just challenging and well, imagine, may just inspire some wide eyed boy or girl watching in awe and who might in turn go on to create something great themselves and cite those programmes they watched on CHannel 4 between 2000 and 2006.
But no. We get the programmes we deserve. But why? WHY WHY WHY? I also ahve the feeling that whatever is in McCall's stomach will make the sort of noise that Donald Sutherland makes at the end of the Bodysnatchers remake from 1978. Because really that noise is the sound of the net result of all those lost ideas. Thanks Channel FUCKING FOUR. And really please its time for someone to go out and kill someeone who appeared on Big Brother - on CCTV, natch.