A message from my veryGoodfriendAlan
TAKEN FROM MYSPACE BULLETINS - I still think he's missing the point in places - anyway - read on..........
Myspace Is the cutting out of bullshit.The layers of people in between you and the people who are interested in what you do.I book my London clubs off of myspace.You have a demo Poptones situationist Paul is the a&r man to contact i own it with Stephen King but Paul chooses the acts.We are both by e mail instantly contactable.The music business built a world of rules and bullshit.I never thought we needed the rules anyway.The major labels what can they give you over an indie?Money!!!!!!.Nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!!The people at the indie's like music a lot of the people at the majors don't like music because they don't buy it and never did.There a&r people do but the rest of it is just selling washing machines a generalisation but a true one.There is a new music model morphing out what's going on at the moment digitally in 2006.Majors are great at selling lots of records in mass quantity but shit at starting an act from zero.Indies have never been more relevant right at this point.Bands never more in control than now.Fans have power and a voice they cannot shut you up.Myspace is huge in this development.It's functionality is shit but it's an amazingly genius way to get your music heard for no money and for fans to talk to artists direct all artists either do there own page or read it this is a fact.Murdoch has bought it.Does he even know what he's bought other than e mail addreses?I doubt it.There will be myspace pop stars over the next few months.Lily Allen a case in point.The Music buisness model in 2006 is now 1. live.... at a certain point you make fortunes also you can never replicate a live show so great for artists/fans/managers.2.merch..... again goes with the territory but if it's good it will sell.3.Synch's.... you get paid loads for adverts and films on publishing and recording.4.Record Deal you need one but it's an engine room for the rest of the buisness making money in music now is about playing live, they the record companies have to pay you if you sell so don't worry about the advance in 2006 it's almost immaterial how much you get just get in the game.
Record companies are full of normal people who are scared to lose there job they are nice people but musically i give in most of the time ask them if they have ever heard of Led Zeppelin and what's there favorite 5 songs they can't answer that.It's not like it was even in 1997 burning cd's has changed that.New bands embrace the technology.If you are smart you are your own marketing team.The people who buy your music want ownership and have been shut out for years.The record companies have now been overtaken by the digital world.I own a record company Paul chooses the bands but it's interesting being in management and owning a record company.The management company is to me the facination but i have an ego and like to put out record so i own a record company/Poptones.Maybe one day record companies will facinate me tonight they seem like black and white television in 1990...McGee