Lunch with Prole: Are train stations the most bleakly romantic location to find yourself in?
Let's face it railway stations (not so much termini like London ones) seem to offer up so much; travel, meeting people, waving people off, somewhere to go sketching with your easil... but really where else in the world offers up such a tumult of emotions as a train station, regardless of what country, town or City youre from?
For me they're about escaping, a sugar rush of possiblities, that almost drunken feeling that is the thought of dizzying prospects that lies ahead that THIS TRAIN is going to take you to, and even if you know, JUST KNOW where you are headed might let you down or not match up it doesn't matter - you're leaving somewhere you don't want to be and are jsut trying, even for a moment, to glide without care.
Apart from on a Sunday when youre coming back from somewhere but we'll ignore that.