Scalp or Exchange?
I bought two 38 euro Morrissey tickets for an ultra private gig in brussels on august 27th. The gig was immediately sold out of course. In the mean time my vacation plans changed and I'm "stuck" with two tickets for a gig I won't be able to attend...
I hate scalpers but the tickets are already being sold for 125 euros a piece on Ebay, which is pretty tempting (nice holiday money). But every time I see a scalper I want to shoot him the face. Fuckin' Ethics...
I don't want to have to shoot myself in the face but I also don't want to feel like a total moron for not making a quick buck. I decided to try to exchange them against 2 tickets for the sold out nick cave solo show in Antwerp on september 24th (which I couldn't get tickets for). Anyone know where I could advertise this deal? Or maybe someone is interested? Am I a total idiot?