a question
i downloaded the scrobbler plugin for my mac. i don't know what i did wrong, but it didn't work or install properly, i guess. i opened the iscrobbler.1.2.dmg file that i downloaded, and it opens a iScrobbler drive, which a program in it. when i double click this program nothing seems to happen.
i fiddled around [this may or may not have been wise], and found that the only way i can get the scrobble plugin to function and log my tracks on is to run the 'terminal' thingy in the audioscrobbler folder. but i'm sure one isn't meant to do it like this.
what i'd really like to do is just delete the whole fucken thing, redownload it and start again, but i can't. it won't let me. i try to ejet the drive and it says it's in use [even though i quit itunes]. i cant delete it. i am unhappy. i don't understand macs. HELP. :( :( :(