Kids: Stay off the drugs
A friend of mine knows a group of people that recently spent the weekend in Amsterdam. On the Saturday they were sitting in some kind of cafe, sharing the odd spliff and contemplating their next move. All of a sudden, the appeal of mushrooms proved too strong to resist
Most of them had dabbled in the past, but one (Gary) had never touched them. So the others thought it'd be hilarious to feed him a double dose of the pretty strong Mexicana mushrooms. A little while passed, and it became clear that Gary was not in a good way. They left the cafe to have a stroll around the city and as they got outside Gary, clearly in the midst of a pretty horrific trip, said that he had to go back to the hotel
The others agreed that that would be a good idea, and left him to it while they set off to enjoy the Amsterdam sunshine and all the city had to offer. A couple of hours go by, and they too decide to go back to the hotel to get ready to go out for some dinner
As they were walking down the corridor to their room, they could hear pretty aggressive banging coming from inside. Hurrying, they banged on the door and Gary opened, wide-eyed and clearly scared shitless
One of the group: "Gary, what the fuck?"
Gary: "Lads! You wont believe this, I've caught a fuckin' goblin!"
The others entered the room, not knowing what to expect. In the corner they can see the wardrobe, with a metal bar slid through the handles, and the loud banging was coming from inside. One of them cautiously approaced and removed the wardrobe and opened the doors
Inside, petrified, was a young boy of around eight years old. The boy also was a sufferer of Downs Syndrome. Not knowing what to do, they panicked and took him back to the park where Gary had claimed to find him, told a passer by that he was lost, and then fled
That's pretty fucked up, no? That should tell that kind of story in anti-drugs assemblies at primary schools. Anybody else got any similarly scary drugs-related tales?