Going to court
I got back from Berlin on Friday to find a card saying I had a registered letter to pick up. First thoughts were either college finally getting back to me to acknowledge I'd applied and if I was accepted or not or information about the volountary job I'd applied for. Instead it was a summons to court tomorrow morning with the threat of an arrest warrant being issued if I failed to attend. It's about a little shit who kicked his way into the close in December out of his face and threatened the female neighbours. I lawfully restrained him by the throat and over the bannisters till the police showed up 45 minutes after I called them for the third time. It seems to be just a hearing to see if he should be tried in a juvenile court or not. Should I
1.go easy on him
2.tell it like it was
3.tell it like it was minus the lawful restraint parts
4.try to get him sent to jail forever
5.follow the best suggestion from yous
the correct answer wins an old bundle of receipts, some bottle tops and some old fish bones