drummer wanted for best band ever (Brighton)
Ok maybe not best band ever (yet), but there's a hell of a lot of potential here. We're called 4 or 5 Magicians, we are three 21 year olds from Brighton and we do songs that sound occasionally like Pavement, Guided By Voices, The Pixies, Nirvana, Weezer ...
Look I know everyone asks for drummers and nobody ever replies because :
1) You are already in a decent band
2) You think the band will be shit so don't bother replying.
In this case :
1) It doesn't matter if you are already in a band, I want a drummer for occasional rehearsal and gigs around Brighton, so very little time needed. Our one we were borrowing from another top local band has just left and there's pending gigs I will have to cancel if we don't find one soon!!
2) We aren't shit.
So reply if you are...
1) Fun.
2) Reasonably competent - basically if you can play Pavement / Nirvana / Guided By Voices songs confidently you are good enough. You dont need to reverse paradiddle blindfolded or anything.
3) Not a dickhead.
That's it. Here's our myspace page . The recordings there are shit, the first song is now much better when we play it live, and we dont even play the second one any more. Contact me through the myspace page - PLEASE!!