Bands wanted in February
Howdy, would you like to play at one of London's friendliest venues where the sound is truly excellent? Want to be on bills that have been put together with a bit of thought? Want to be paid all the door rather than some insulting percentage? Read on.
I am looking for bands for the following shows in February...
Friday 6th February
Friday 13th February
heavy pop/blues/punk/garage
Tuesday 17th February
melodic upbeat dance tinged indie
Thursday 19th February
post punk/ new wave/Joy Divisionish
Thursday 26th February
Upbeat, folky, bluesy.
We have recently had the whole venue sound treated so it is sounding very crisp. These are inhouse run shows at The Good Ship in Kilburn so we need bands who are happy to promote massively. We will pay you all the door less a tiny cut to the sound engineer; we wouldn't ask otherwise. Message me and I'll be back in a jiffy.