I moved to Oxford to come to university a few weeks ago and I am already FUCKING BORED. Unless I'm lost there's nothing particularly fun to do here at all. I play guitar, not very competently but enough to play some good sloppy songs. I've always wanted to be in a band though, and my band influences would be The Ramones, Black Lips, The Thermals, Be Your Own Pet, Turbo Fruits, Animal Collective, Bombay Bicycle Club, The Shins, Sufjan Stevens, basically any band i've ever listened to or seen live and wished I was in because it looks/sounds fun to be involved with. I like a lot of other music, but I've never listened to, say, the Wu-Tang Clan, and thought 'I could do that'. Fun has to be the main priority, I want to dispel the pretense that comes with a loooot of music, we won't be pouting around onstage and creating drearsome woe, but despite the list I gave, I'm not against creating mellower sounds either, just as long as it's good music. Basically if youre in oxford and half as bored as i am, and have time on your hands and a musical instrument...