Yousendit thread of love
I really enjoyed the yousendit thread last time it was about.
To start this one off I have a Eye (from the Boredoms) DJ set under the name DJ Pica Pica Pica.
"There's a regular drum beat keeping things steady, but that's not what makes the album so fascinating. It's the no-holds-barred, adventurous, and impressively to-the-beat sound combinations Eye has layered over it. "3" seems to feature the sounds of jet airplane in the background. "13" rocks with what sounds like a rolling, processed didjeridu, intermittent jungle breakbeats, and any number of interesting noise arrangements you couldn't hope to describe. As always, anything goes, and, when it does, it usually goes well. This is more accessible than most Boredoms albums, but definitely wild enough for the die-hard fans."