James Blunt
Along with everyone else who's probably reading this, I think James Blunt's music is one of the most horrible crimes inflicted upon this planet.
But, and its a big but, why do you all despise him so much? His voice couldn't be more annoying, fair. However, I admire him for taking advantage of the sheep that are the British public. He's written a load of songs that I could write, but sung over them with his unique 'voice'. Heat magazine says its the best thing since Dido, and every person over thirty falls in love with him, making him filthy rich.
Yeah, you hate the music, but why the person so much? He doesn't force his music upon anyone. The media does. In my opinion, he's an extremely intelligent dwarf. His tripe may not have any 'soul' or 'rock n roll' or whatever, but who gives a toss? If I could make silly amounts of money doing what he did, I wouldn't think twice.
So yes. I despise his music. But I don't hate him at all. Its not as if he gives interviews slagging other people off or anything. Why the hate, my friends?