Selling Icecubes To Eskimos
You know that "all around the world" song by Oasis...yeah, that one. T'was just beggin' to become an advert for a phone/cellular company or some computer network behemoth, que no? And sho'nuff. Some AT&T exec thought it'd be a good idea to stuff Liam and Noel's coiffers with a $1000 everyday for the rest of their days. Heck fire! it is an effective ad. I'd join myself but I'm stuck with a competitor whose theme song apperently is "Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone."
You're The Ad-Man!
Kissing The Lipless (Shins) - Maybelline lipstick
Girl Who Wants To Be God (MSP) - Cosmopolitan magazine (or maybe the Girl Scouts ;-) .)
Killing An Arab (Cure)- U.S. Army (recruiting)
Thorn of Crowns (the part where Mac is ca-ca-coughing out "cu-cu-cumber, ca-ca cabbage, califlower") - For a supermarket chain.