Let's Call It A Comeback!
Remember how when you were in elementary school Mrs. Schmedly told your parents - with little sincerity - you were "showing improvement"? You remember that, doncha? Of course you do.
Oh no. Not me. I was just trying to show some empathy...for *you*. :-) I was straight A's. (Quit yer chuckling Mr Fullerov! Straight A's, honest injun... I didn't start failing classes till much later!!)
Alright then: good band puts out a real stinker and then follows it with something brilliant, or near-brilliant.
Most Improved Album!
Actually, I canna think of one. hehe. I'm a little outta practice starting threads and I'm feeling winded. *whew* Uhm, how about whatever album followed Sonic Youth's NY Ghosts 'n Crap album? I'll go with that one. Yer turn!