sing the praises of a band you hate
following on from the rather fantastic 'tear apart your favourite band' thread by silence-r. This is pretty obvious. pick a band you hate and say how gr8 they are.
I pick: Jet.
I really like how smack in the face with a potato balls-out RAWK! you are. The fact that you're not interested in pushing music forward or exploring new territory makes me feel safe.
The way you recycle 70s rock templates, sometimes just going the whole hog and using the same riffs as other bands' songs, is like I get my own bit of the decade back without having to buy a superior record by someone who may now be old or dead.
Your attitude to women is much in keeping with my own. Their mood swings and unwillingness to present themselves for sex on command befuddles and taxes me. They are indeed 'Cold Hard Bitches'.
I would also thank you for drawing my attention to the little known product the 'iPod' - after hearing your song on the television promotion I knew it was a product I could trust and enjoy and promptly purchased one. Four days later it was stolen from me in a violent attack outside Manchester Piccadilly station but I enjoyed the time I had with it.