Fly Me To The Moon
Do you have any of those early childhood horror stories? The sort that stick with you throughout yer life? Like the time the coach benched you so he could play the son of the mother the coach wanted to bang? Or the time a scary movie scared the bejesus outta've ya? Or worse. Maybe you saw Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band...I mean, can you imagine some idiot said to himself, we'll have the Bee Gee's star in it!? And then a bunch of movie mogul executives said, "Sounds great! Who do we make the checks out to?" Please kids, no matter how much you might like the Beatles, seeing this film will scar your psyche, guaranteed.
Well, there I was on my first commercial airline trip. I was about nine or ten, methinks. The stewardess (yes, this is way-y-y back, before 'flight attendents' were invented) handed me earphones and for five hours straight I heard the worst six songs over and over and over again. I don't know why I didn't just take the headphones off, though I seem to remember an obese woman who was snoring. To this day I get vertigo every time I hear Toto's Roseanna. I shit you not!
*hums the refrain of Roseanne in my mindseye... and falls out of chair*
DiScuss The Time You Were Subjected To Musical Torture!