Wow - Part Chimp! seems a little contrary maybe but they fucking blew me away. It's not the first time I've seen them, and maybe not even their best gig but they fucking ruled. The set started with Alexander Tucker, the ATP guy who, from what I've heard on here is rubbish - this is not so. I've never quite seen anybody like this guy, playing guitar and then putting it down and letting electronic stuff that I couldn't start to understand mimic it, playing violin and that continuing in the same way over the top of the guitar and them him singing different melodies over the top of it. Very good. Part Chimp came on after about 30 mins, with two brass flute/horn type players (no idea what instruments) and they took it all down and then fucking rocked it. The Chimp may well right now be my favourite band. I adore Mogwai but they simply couldn't follow this, a little too tinny, not enough bass. I never thought I'd say this as a long time Mogwai fan but I just wanted them to ROCK and bassy!! but they didn't. Oh how sometimes your heroes can disappoint you makes your heart ache. I'm off to see them on Thursday and Saturday and, wow, I'm praying.