Sleep / Revision Music
Does any one else listen to music to get to sleep easier?
I find it helps a lot, if you get the right album on.
I need help though, because I've only got a few that work.
In order of bestness:
Rhapsody in Blue - George Gershwin
Jeff Buckley - Grace
Postal Service - Give Up
Death Cab - Plans
Interpol - Antics
Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake...
Joy Division - Closer
Velvet Underground and Nico - s/t
But by no means does this mean I find the record boring. On the contrary to be honest...
Also, best to revise with?
So far I only use:
Trail of Dead - Madonna
Secret Machines - Now Here...
I find for revision, heavier stuff without too much melody works best. Ie. something like Franz or Maximo Park takes your mind away, same with Ben Gibbard stuff, coz of the vocals.
I'd officially LOVE some assistance, because I need more.
Cheers, dudes. Peace out.