Valuable music items you own
I thought I'd start this thread for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I wanted to see what rare stuff people own and whether anyone here makes proper money out of trying to buy singles etc. they think will become highly sought after - kind of like how people make money out of antiques, I suppose.
Secondly, I bought (on a whim, really) the first Guillemots EP. I've known for a while that it's rare and changing hands for fairly large sums of money and I guess the price will only go up if Guillemots do make it big as people are predicting. I just read that each CD had a numbered photo in it (hadn't noticed when I bought it) so I thought I'd see what number I had. SouthCoastKevin finally gets to the point....
Oh My Goodness I've Got CD Number 4!! Does that make it super-valuable or do these things not really matter?