Okay, so convince me 2005 was a good year for music
Well that's harsh. But I looked through the stuff I've heard this year that I thought was good and it's basically:
Bloc Party (and that's a surprise as my reaction was quite lukewarm after buying)
this ain't vegas
death from above 1979
bright eyes (the digital ash one)
And of those probably only this ain't vegas I thought was really really good. (Well upcdownc too actually!).
I played DFA1979 a lot but it's a simple album.
But my general feeling was that I didn't hear a lot to get me really excited. I take it there was a Part Chimp album this year? I saw them on Halloween and really enjoyed them.
So I'm kind of assuming there must have been a bunch of albums like This Ain't Vegas' that won't be appearing in anywhere near the top of the big 'top 50' type lists (which make it impossible for me to take seriously with their inclusing of terrible stuff like Oasis and Coldplay) but which SHOULD be in those lists.
I took about 20 minutes to finish writing this so the chances are it makes no sense, btw.