Things that annoy me
I've been planning this for some time and finally got round to it. You should all give it a go and please feel free to add to the list. I feel so much better now.
• People that drop litter
• People that say ‘innit’
• People that say ‘get me?’ who are actually agreeing with what you’ve just said
• H – this is pronounced AITCH not HAITCH
• People that say ‘aks’ instead of ‘ask’
• People that hold their mobile phone in one hand and the mic of their HANDS FREE kit in the other – the clue is in the name of the product people!
• People who listen to music too loudly on headphones
• People who shout on mobile phones
• Key tones on mobile phones….beep beep beep – shut up now
• People that walk slowly and block your path
• People that have umbrellas the size of Wales
• Ppl dat type in txt spk all da time
• LOL – I can see you, you’re in the same room as me and you are not laughing at all
• People that confuse there, their and they’re (the excuse is ‘I wasn’t taught it at school’. Yes you were, you just weren’t listening)
• People that don’t understand how to use an apostrophe (see brackets above)
• People that chew loudly and with their mouth open
• People that click pens constantly
• People that put their bags under the tables on trains and block my leg room
• People that wear coats in the summer
• Soap stories covered in newspapers as real news
• People that read over your shoulder
• People that have no bar etiquette. You know when someone is ahead of you
• People that don’t say please or thank you
• People that sniff constantly and don’t ever blow their nose
• People that talk in the cinema
• People that talk at gigs when the band is on
• People that do crap impressions of comedy catchprahses ie ‘I want that one’
• RnB – This stands for rhythm and blues, it has nothing to do with bling and grinding your booty on da dancefloor, name your own music genre instead of stealing one
• Americans pronouncing ‘herb’ ‘erb’ – a whole nation being pretentious
• The lazy American shortening of the phrase ‘I couldn’t care less’ to ‘I could care less’ rendering it useless and making everyone that says it an utter moron
• Annoying kids in confined places – trains, shops, pubs etc but even worse are the lazy parents who do nothing about it
• Modern pop music in general
• Inconsiderate smokers. I can put up with smoking just about but don’t blow it in my face
• People that bring laptops on the train to play patience
• People talking about work in the pub on Friday night
• People getting the words borrow and lend mixed up
• People that SO use words that are LIKE SO not needed
• The phrase ‘so he turns around to me and says’
• Australian question intonation where simple phrases are spoken as if a question. It’s really annoying? NB Aussies can be forgiven just about.
• Emails that end with ‘pass to 10 people and your day will be great’
• Emails containing powerpoint presentations of severely unfunny pictures of cute cats
• Successful films/music/tv being overly hyped and milked until everyone is sick to death of them
• People that talk about football in pubs for hours on end and as if it was the most important thing on earth (I love football too but give it a rest eh?)
• Emails passing on urban myths, don’t flash your headlights at cars cos you’ll be shot etc
• People that are always late
• Pens that stop working even though they’re full of ink
• Tight people – worse if they’re well off
• People that drive too close to the car in front
• Hypocrisy, in even small doses
• Excel's close window button closing several open worksheets
• Microsoft Word – probably the worst piece of mass produced commercial software ever
• Cheating, even when it’s trivial
• Parents saying ‘because I said so’
• Jumped up Hitlers known as bouncers
• The word ‘Lunch’
• Adverts where the actors voices are dubbed over with cheesy toss
• People that stress the fact that they say parrrrrth and barrrth instead of path and bath
• The price of food and drink at the cinema, especially popcorn
• People that don’t understand the simple concept of queues
• Long film trailers that show clips of the film in chronological order
• The embarrassing state of England’s rail network
• People that insist on telling you about their dreams which are often inane and pointless
• Men wearing scarves in that new trendy way – you look stupid and like a girl
• People who hand out flyers in the street that everyone just chucks on the floor
• Door to door salesmen who are overly pushy
• Door to door religious types, no I don’t want to see a world full of peace and love, that would be dull.
• Street preachers. Stop shouting, nobody is listening
• People in the street shouting their political views, ‘Blair get out of Iraq!’. Again, nobody is listening to you (and Blair actually isn’t in Iraq)
• High street shops that are so hot you can only stay in them 30 seconds
• Two for one sales on dvds and cds when the normal price is hiked to make the sale pointless
• Junk mail – no, I don’t want a credit card. NO, I DON’T WANT A CREDIT CARD!
• Talentless people that get far with virtually nothing – see Catherine Tate
• Getting a new cd and finding the case or the little cd gripping teeth are broken
• ‘Baby on Board’ stickers
• Owners of pets who refer to themselves as mummy and daddy of the pet
• Special edition DVDs being released a couple of months after the original release