"Urchin Rock"
Back to this music shop I have to design...
I was trying to explain the Sheffield music scene to one of my tutors, and leapt onto the phrase "Urchin Rock". Problems arose in that he wants me to expand on this and do a load of graphics based on the style.
So, what bands are Urchin Rock, and what would a graphic style for it be?
I'm leaning towards the DIY collage aesthetic of the likes of Babyshambles and Franz. With typefaces stolen wholeheartedly from th'Arctic monkeys. Any other ideas?
I was trying to explain the Sheffield music scene to one of my tutors, and leapt onto the phrase "Urchin Rock". Problems arose in that he wants me to expand on this and do a load of graphics based on the style.
So, what bands are Urchin Rock, and what would a graphic style for it be?
I'm leaning towards the DIY collage aesthetic of the likes of Babyshambles and Franz. With typefaces stolen wholeheartedly from th'Arctic monkeys. Any other ideas?