Pitchfork acclaimed music you don't like
Or, Pitchfork acclaimed music you do like, but are too snobby to admit that you do like...
Or anything you're not sure about because of off-putting labels like 'country' or 'pop'...
Or anything Pitchfork acclaimed that doesn't seem right to you...
Here's mine:
Miles Davis
Randy Newman
Harry Nilsson
The Beach Boys
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Bruce Springsteen
Al Green
Marvin Gaye
Michael Jackson
Stevie Wonder
The Bee Gees
AC/DC (mentioned as a casualty for being omitted from their top 100 70s albums)
Black Sabbath (mentioned as a casualty for being omitted from their top 100 70s albums)
Guns N' Roses (Appetite for Destruction was listed in their top 100 80s albums)
Jeff Buckley
Daft Punk
Kanye West
most rap and hip-hop...
Pretty much everything from the 90s and 00s (with a few exceptions such as Radiohead...)
If you disagree with any of these, please enlighten me as to why I'm wrong.