2013 Review: "So I'm listening to AF's Funeral...
and it's >> over Reflektor, my no.1 AOTY, and I'm not even sure if Funeral -- though it's really fucking good -- is in my Top 25 all-time and so it's weird
cos I thought this year had some really really great stuff -- Neko Case...too many to mention -- and so it's a 'mediocre' year cos of the above?
Lots of great stuff... I mean Haim!... but nothing greatGreat?? Hmm."
You can take the scientific approach, as I have done, or you can simply give your two pence on Kim and Kanye. But here's the crux of this thread:
** Give a 3+ (but not more than 10) sentence review of 2013 music **
Smoke a joint. Say something that will entertain or enlighten me 'n yr fellow DiSers.
Go ... DiScuss