Speedy Ortiz?
Couldn't find a topic on this, so yeah. Aye.
Anyway, this bunch have been getting the full P4K hype treatment recently - BNM'd record and an interview piece too. A very consciously '90s variant on indie rock (think Built to Spill, Pavement, Liz Phair, etc) with a bit of Tumblr/Lena Durham faux-attitude to it to. I've been given a copy of the album to review for a local mag, and honestly, I'm torn between really enjoying the riffs and lyrics but also hating the smug vibe of some pretty well-to-do twenty-somethings slumming it in some second-hand postures and playing some house gigs for a few years before they get tenure. I dunno, maybe I'm reading them totally wrong, but give Vampire Weekend their due - at least they were honest about being preppy as fuck.
Anyway, Speedy Ortiz. Yay/nay/can't be arsed mate?