Anyone heard the new Big Deal and/or Camera Obscura albums yet?
It's excellent. I downloaded it from emusic yesterday and it sounds pretty great. I thought their debut was very good but this is so much more assured and they've achieved their "sound". I've only seen them once live as part of a Guardian music event at The Barfly perhaps a year ago. I can't see any scheduled London (Metropolitan Elite) gigs. Maybe I missed them a few weeks back. Anyway, the album is definitely worth checking out if you haven't heard of them before.
The new Camera Obscura album is appalling. I've been a fan since one of their for years. I remember seeing them at Upstairs At The Garage on a Saturday well over ten years ago when they were a very shoddy live band but pretty good on record. I was really looking forward to the new album from the good reviews but I was totally bored and it just seemed a bit lazy. Hopefully they're good live on Thursday when I see them at Heaven. I'll try and go in with an open mind but that venue is definitely not suited for a band like Camera Obscura.